In Hawaiian, the word Wahine means woman. The Do it like a Wahine blog was inspired by women, for women. In this section, we give women a platform to share their stories and artistry.
By fostering stories, we gain respect and understanding of where people come from, which expands our thinking and insights in our own perspectives. Our mission is to highlight women from all around the world to support their journey, empower others and honor them with exquisite island jewelry.

At 58 years old, ShinAe Yu is a wahine that can do it all. From rock climbing to yoga to studying nutrition, ShinAe is passionate about maintaining and continuing her health and fitness everyday. Her discipline and passion for living a balanced life have inspired other parents and people like her to do the same. She wants to encourage others that anyone can start their fitness journey, no matter what age you are in life.
ShinAe loves the Plumeria Engraved Bangle and the Tri-Color Bangle with Plumeria Engraving for its unique design and clean lines. She loves the Plumeria design, which is a staple in Hawaiian culture and jewelry.

Tell me about your journey in nutrition and exercise?
ShinAe: With nutrition, it actually started out as wanting to become a pharmacist. After I had my daughter I started to go back to school to pursue a degree in pharmacy. During this time, my daughter was really young and was breaking out in bad eczema and rashes. Most doctors couldn’t figure out what was causing it and prescribed a lot of things that didn’t work.
I did a deep dive to understand what was going on, and after speaking to the dermatologist I realized a lot of it was being caused by food, specifically dairy. After I got her off the dairy and changed her diet, the eczema went away and healed in three months. I realized I wouldn't be happy becoming a pharmacist, where I would only provide medications to temporarily treat symptoms without treating the root cause.
I realized with more research that diet is the root of a lot of things, and from there on I decided to pursue nutrition instead. Fast forward to 2014 and I graduated at UH Manoa with a B.S in Food Science and Human Nutrition.
In terms of exercise and fitness, I’ve always been active as a kid. I did softball, kickball, basketball, volleyball, and ran a lot. For climbing I used to take my daughter to gymnastics and there was an indoor bouldering gym. I tried it one day and I never looked back.
What is a common misconception about food or nutrition that people follow?
ShinAe: The most common misconception is that carbs are bad for you, and a lot of people get caught up in cutting out carbs. Most people don’t really know quite what carbs are, it's mostly everything under the sun minus protein and fat. The brain and body needs carbs, it’s more about cutting out refined and processed carbs. When you try to cut out all carbs (pasta/rice) the two main things, you start a yo-yo diet and you're denying a food that can give you energy eaten in moderation. If you cut out something completely, your body starts craving those natural sugars and carbs. If you can eat nutrient dense and “whole foods” your body can become leaner and stay more fit.
What is your favorite part about yoga and rock climbing?
ShinAe: I think they both deliver the same thing for me, it gives me time to balance and center myself. Because it’s not a competition sport, it’s really about competing with myself and doing the best each time. It keeps me humbled and centered and it feels good.

Have you seen physical or mental changes after starting rock climbing and yoga?
ShinAe: Absolutely, I’ve always been on the fit side because I’m active, but it really builds physical endurance. Rock climbing helps to build your muscles and works your whole body all over, without really having to stick to set regimen work out at the gym. Climbing is a lot of tension and holding, so you’re using a lot of energy and body strength. Yoga kind of does the opposite for me, it makes the body lean and relaxes my tension from climbing. But it can be very intense, it’s kind of a yin and yang for me.
You recently did a rock climbing competition at the gym you go to, would you say that rock climbing has brought a sense of community in your life?
ShinAe: I always felt a little shy about climbing and felt that a lot of people as they get older, they don’t really do stuff like this, since it demands such physical energy. I didn’t think there were a lot of other climbing people my age but I got to meet people who were 50 and over that were still climbing.

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice about health, fitness, or nutrition, what would it be?
ShinAe: That I should’ve slept earlier and wake up earlier. I should’ve eaten better and should’ve exercised more and taken care of my body more.
What role does mindfulness play in your fitness journey, whether during yoga, rock climbing, or everyday life?
ShinAe: It teaches me to be patient and to be kind to myself and in being kinder to myself I can be kinder to other people. It teaches me to slow down and do the best that I can, that life isn’t a competition and it’s really abouty finding joy for yourself.
What’s your favorite piece of jewelry from us? What makes you love this piece so much?
ShinAe: Plumeria and Honu Engraved Bangle. I also really like the Tri-Color Cuff, I think it’s really unique. The plumeria bangle is just really pretty and a staple.
Anything else you’d like to say?
ShinAe: Age is really just a number and don’t feel afraid to start your fitness journey, even if you’re older.
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